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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Friday, May 1, 2009



In Minnesota, the Star Tribune did a little poll. It found that two-thirds of people would want the government to seize wealth from rich people in order to help solve the state's budget woes. But then when it comes to raising taxes on everyone ... not just the filthy rich ... 60% of Minnesotans say absolutely not.

So taxing the rich is OK. Other taxes that are popular with Minnesotans are those on tobacco and alcoholic beverages. But they aren't done there ... 57% of people believe that corporations should pay higher taxes. Higher taxes? Are these people completely brain dead? Do they not understand the fact that the United States already has outrageously high corporate tax rates? Of course they don't; because you are talking about the government educated dumb masses. You are talking about people who believe that evil rich people and greedy corporations don't pay their "fair share" in taxes. And you're talking to people who are so uneducated and obtuse that they don't understand that all taxes paid by businesses filter down to the people who ultimately purchase whatever that business is producing at the retail level.

I'll say it again: At the core of most, if not all, of the problems facing our country today you will find a public that is so uneducated that they just can't understand basic concepts of governance and economics. Government schools were designed to create a populace that was educated just to the point that they would be good government subjects and good employees. Government education has been a massive success.

1 comment:

  1. Nope, you can't fix stupid. When the children are educated in sex education at the age of five, and indoctrinated to believe that it is just fine to marry either a boy or a girl, regardless of your sex, and that the government will take care of all your needs without any work on your part,other than at the "government store", we will have arrived at the "utopia" that the Liberals dream of. That Utopia will be one where no one will question that they cannot get an operation for their cancer for a year, or "Mom" cannot get dialysis since she is over the age of 60. That Utopia will be one where there is no need to be innovative, because that "great new idea" you might have will belong to the government that will not repay you with one red cent for your innovation. My crystal ball shows the image of the final "all expenses paid vacation". Yep, I see the trains in Dallas departing now. And the conductor is yelling, "All aboard for your free vacation to la-la land". Little do the vacationers know their destination is the equivalent of the "New World" Auschwitz, the final vacation spot for those who have outlived their usefulness to the state. But the bright spot for them is that they lived off the taxes of that now extinct bunch of "rich bastards".


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