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Thursday, April 9, 2009

White House: No bow to Saudi King

The story has come up yet again, thanks to people like you who read this blog and others. Last week I posted a video showing Obama at the G-20 Bowing to the Saudi King. Watch video. Go forward to about 45 seconds in and watch, judge for yourself.

With the story being passed around, the hite House recieved tons of e-mail, (including one from me), on what this bow was all about. Well now, the White House says it was not a bow.

The White House is denying that the president bowed to
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London,
a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.
The Washington Times called the alleged bow a "shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate" and said it violated centuries of American tradition of not deferring to royalty.


  1. After viewing the video, my conclusion differs from that of the White House. In fact, I must now also conclude that during his tenure in the Trinity United Church of Christ, that Barack probably inhaled some of Reverend Wright's Black Liberation Theology. In fact, I now believe his title should rightfully be "Prevaricator-In-Chief".

  2. After a closer look at the photo and video of this incident, it is my opinion that he was NOT bowing to the King, but merely mooning the American public.


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