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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Friday, April 10, 2009

difference between a Democratic Society and a Republic

This 10 minute video explains it all for you.

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Democracy, Republic, Oligarchy, Monarchy, or Anarchy

"The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government"

The best explanation I ever heard in telling the difference in a Democracy versus a Republic was as follows:

"Two Wolves and one sheep are in a pasture, trying to decide what is for dinner. This decision is a Democracy (Mob Rule). In a Republic (Rule of Law), that would be illegal."

The first President in United States History to call our nation a Democracy was Woodrow Wilson in 1917. Since then it has replaced the word "Republic" by both Democrats and Republicans alike. In Government School's, they are taught about Democracy, and how are country is a Democracy, and compare Republic's to the Roman Empire. It shows how easy it is to spin a story, especially history. Rome was a Republic for over 500 years before it became a Greek Democracy, followed by a dictatorship, and Monarchy. Our Founding Fathers based our Republic off of the original Roman Republic, not Plato or Aristotle's Greek Democracy, which was a complete failure. Ask Demosthenes about Democracy's.

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