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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Now we are getting all of these reports about the fact that CIA interrogators used ... brace yourself .. waterboarding on Khalid Sheik Mohammed - the Islamic goon who admitted to planning the attacks of September 11th. And not only did they use waterboarding, but they used it 183 times! The horror!

The question all along has been: why has the Obama administration decided to release these memos now. Why? What purpose does it serve?

Dick Cheney brought up a good point. He points out that the Obama administration didn't bother to release the memos showing the success of these CIA efforts. He doesn't bother to release any information that show how many American lives were saved or the realities of any consequences of planned attacks. Of course he wouldn't, because that would legitimize the use of these techniques to save American lives. Obama is interested in building himself up in international eyes as some paragon of virtue .. the man that will bring the United States out of the dark ages of dungeons and torture to join the rest of civilized society.

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