When you punish people and companies through taxation, they leave. When will PresBo and the Democrats learn this. Marxism does not work. No matter how you try to incorporate it, or the amount of intellectuals you get to operate it. The Free Market is not compatible. Yet Democrats keep trying.
Marxism at its core has the belief that class struggle is the central element of social change. Since the tension between social classes is deemed to be the cause of political unrest. That tension is stirred up on purpose to achieve the end result.
Marxism attempts to solve this problem by establishing public ownership as its dominant feature.
Their is only one problem with this philosophy. "Public Ownership".
The public class are those who work. To own something, you must have money. This is how the class structure is designed. The greatest part about our Republic, is that it gives everyone the chance to make that wealth, regardless of class. If you choose to work hard, you will achieve. Under Marxism, you do not have to work, or achieve. The Dictator will take money from people who achieve, seize their wealth and businesses, and give it to the class that did not earn, work, or achieve it on their own as a means to satisfy them, so that the Dictator can stay in power.
This is the social struggle that Socialism and Marxism has been trying to accomplish.
A Marxists worst enemy is the Capitalist. The one who wishes to achieve on his own without interference.
PresBo believes that the Marxist system can work, and he wants it to work.
For the lam en it can be explained simply. You go to work, make money, pay bills, and live your life. If Marxism, Socialism, or any other form of Government comes in and tries to change the Capitalist system we have in place...It will affect your life.
No matter if your a cook, mailman, truck driver, office worker, or any other countess numbered fields of employment, that field has company ownership. If a Government begins to raise taxes on those who own businesses, they will shut down, or go to a place that will not charge them as much. Put two and two together. You work for a company. A company is the "Rich, Greedy, Corporate, Wall Street Type"
If they leave because of Government punishing them and their wealth, what happens to your job?
If a mass exodus of businesses leave such as minor manufacturing....Then what happens?
The Country's wealth will dry up, and we will end up like Zimbabwe after their economic collapse.
Remember. Businesses big and small are your friends. They employ you. That is their way of making money also. They provide a public service. They keep you from standing in soup lines.
If you think the Government can keep you employed when all of the companies leave, then fine. There is only one problem. Government, and Government jobs are operated by using tax payers money. Businesses and their owners pay over 70% of all taxes collected in this Country every year. The other 30% comes from you. How will the Government pay you if it can not collect taxes. How will the Government keep schools open? You pay 30%, but to pay...You have to earn. To earn is to be apart of the Capitalist system. How did the Soviet Union fail after only seventy years of rule. Why didn't they last forever as a Socialist-Marxist Country?
Wealth and Capitalism.
When they took power, they used the wealth from the House of Romanov, the second and last imperial dynasty of Russia. The Royal family spent over five hundred years collecting that wealth. The Marxists system and its belief took seventy years to bankrupt it.
The only thing keeping Russia afloat today is Capitalism.
I hope this sinks in. If you believe in the Socialist, Marxist movement, then contact me. All I ask of you is to defend your argument. $10.00 says you cant. Socialism appeals to the heart of a person, not the common sense of the brain. Heart is good, but without money, how will you donate? How can you help others?
Socialism claims to help out the "Poor Masses", yet its Capitalists that give the most donations to those Poor Masses.
I close on this note. The lady in Florida who begged PresBo for a house...
An Obama aid gave her the number to the local Social office, then they left.
After going to that office, a lady who worked their, bypassed the process, and gave her a house. This lady had several rental properties, and wanted to help this woman. If she had gone through the social system, she never would have moved into that house that the kind lady gave her. That kind lady was a Republican. Her husband is a Republican Representative for the State of Florida.
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