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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Book of the Week

When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession...
This bold and thought provoking book is a must read for anyone interested in a fresh perspective on the causes of the American Civil War. (The Second War for American Independence, or the War Between the States).
Please remember this:
A civil war is a war between organized groups to take control of a nation or region, or to change government and or policies. Listed below are some examples of Civil War Conflicts.
The Ethiopian Civil War, 1974-1991
The Wars of the Roses, 1453 – 1487
The First Fitna, 656–661
The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939, won by the Socialists.
The Angolan Civil War, 1975 –2002
The Roman Civil Wars, 14 total: The 2 most famous:
Caesar's civil war 49–45 BC, between Julius Caesar and the optimates (conservative republicans), initially led by Pompey - Caesarean victory.
Final war of the Roman Republic 32–30 BC, between the Western provinces (under the leadership of Octavian and Agrippa) and the East (under Mark Antony and Cleopatra) - Western victory.

In the War Between the States, the South did not want to takeover the Northern Government, or take land away. They just wanted to be left alone, against Government interference and control.

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