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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The National Debt Road Trip

Here is something I thought that I would never here in my life. Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela said on Tuesday that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.

During one of Chavez's customary lectures on the "curse" of capitalism and the bonanzas of socialism, the Venezuelan leader made reference to GM's bankruptcy filing, which is expected to give the U.S. government a 60 percent stake in the 100-year-old former symbol of American might.
"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.
This might be a joke to Chavez, Castro, and others, but why are people in America laughing this away. A person I work with said that he thought and strongly believes Obama to be a Centrist and Progressive like George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson!!!
Yeah, I did a double take also. This is from an intelligent individual that I speak to about politics alot. I know he is Liberal as hell, but I enjoy talking to him, because he, unlike most Liberals, will defend his arguments. He may not defend them well, but he defends them. I draw a fine line on conversation with him, since he is one of my bosses.
Let me put it into simple terms for you on just how much money Obama has spent, and how much he continues to spend. The link below is a great You Tube video on the National Debt from 1900 to 2016. Its designed for the basic idiot to understand, so pass this on to a welfare recipient. After all, they have better computers and T.V.'s then we do.
Now that you have seen the video, you might be able to understand. This is both Democrats and Republicans who are to blame, though it will be primarily blamed on Republicans by the media. After all we know how the media feels about Obama and the Democrats. Just watch Brian Williams if you don't. --- Was that a bow?
Just remember when it comes to the National Debt. When the country was founded, taxes were collected to fund four Government programs.
1). National Defense
2). Coinage
3). Interstate Commerce and Oversight
4). Government function salaries and Courts
Today (2008) according to the CATO Institute, their are 1804 Government programs, totaling 3.9 trillion dollars a year.
Health and Human Services has 335 departments. We don't even have Socialized Universal Deathcare yet. You know that number will triple.
Think about that. 3.9 Trillion, and less than 40% of Americans are paying that debt, since the other 60% either don't pay taxes, or find away around them.
Wake Up America
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