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“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take everything that you have..." Gerald R. Ford, August 12, 1974.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Do you want the government to take over your health care?

The question is simple. Do you want the government to take over your health care and stand between you and your doctor?

Do you want government dictating to you when your child or grandchild or mother or father can receive even basic medical treatments?

Right now, behind closed doors, politicians and special interests are deciding the future of your health care. Their end-goal is simple and frightening: force every American into a one-size-fits-all system.

The United States has the best Medical care in the World. Is it time to destroy it with Government run health care? It is a trying argument where you are either for it, or against it. There is no middle ground.
Health care is expensive, but should it be a right, versus a service?
Doctors go to school for eight or more years plus a residency. They work hard to help people. Would you go through all that work and time to get paid alot less money?

Follow this link to watch a video on cancer patients who went through the Canadian system.

I prefer to see a doctor when ever I want, not be put on a waiting list because health care is rationed. My mother was a victim of Universal Socialized medicine in England. She died in 2000 and was discovered in her hospital bed more than a day after her death. The bed pan had not been changed in two or more days. Worst of all, the hospital never contacted me, to let me know she was even admitted. I couldn't sue the hospital, because it was protected by the English Government.

You may think that could never happen here. Well, did you remember watching or reading the report on Walter Reed Army Medical Center a few years ago. Veteran hospitals are Government run. If you want a glimpse of what is to come, visit one of these hospitals.

Now PresBo is wanting to move fast and swift to get Universal Health care in the United States by the end of the year. How is he going to pay for it? He has already mortgage our kids and grand kids with debt thanks to that Stimulus bill that he said if it was not passed, then our unemployment will go from 8% to 9%. Well, it passed, and we are now at 9.4%.

When it comes to cost, the only state in the Union that has Universal Health care is Massachusetts. Lets see how they are coping with the "free health care issue."

The Massachusetts health care reform law was enacted in 2006. It requires nearly every resident of Massachusetts to obtain health insurance coverage. Through the law, Massachusetts provides subsidized health care for residents earning up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level, and partially subsidized health care those earning up to 300% of the FPL, depending on an income-based sliding scale. The reform law was enacted as Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006 of the Massachusetts Legislature, entitled: An Act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality, Accountable Health Care. In October 2006, January 2007, and November 2007, bills were enacted that amended and made technical corrections to the statute (Chapters 324 and 450 of the Acts of 2006, and chapter 205 of the Acts of 2007).

In 2006 the State Government predicted that the new health care plan would cost 125 million dollars. And we all know that when Government pulls out a number, it is usually three to ten times that amount.

Well, they did good. In 2006 the total cost was 133 million dollars. Only 8 million over what they predicted.

In 2007 the number jumped to 630 Million. That is an increase of over 500 Million dollars.

It is now predicted that by the end of 2009, the cost will be at 1.3 Billion dollars.

Do you see where this is going? This is what is going to happen if the Massachusetts plan or something like it goes national. Then add in the waiting lists, and the refusal of treatments if your over the age of 65.

Take the poll on this blog on "Do you want the Government to run your Health care?"

Wake up People


1 comment:

  1. The numbers of people without health care insurance include 13 million illegal aliens, about 3 million people who make more than 300% of the poverty level income but elect not to have insurance. The health care system is not in crisis. The cost of health care needs to be brought under control. If twenty percent savings could be achieved, and that savings applied to increase delivery capacity, everyone who is an American Citizen could have health care. That should not include illegal aliens who do get treatment under medicaid and at emergency rooms. We taxpayers are already paying for that care. Let the government take over health care and costs will truly be out of control and we will lose providers who will not opt for Medical school. The best health care system in the world will be destroyed in short order.
    Please, Mr. Soetoro, no more "crises" and a little more thought before you drive us off the cliff.


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